Event calendar

Scavenger hunt Otto B. de Kat
to Apr 6

Scavenger hunt Otto B. de Kat

Join the Otto B. the Cat Scavenger Hunt Explore the museum and discover the story behind this extraordinary artist. Learn more about the artist's fascination with the everyday, and discover its beauty. Fun to do together, for young and old.

Free in combination with the purchase of 1 museum ticket. Children free.

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Dance in dialogue with Otto B. de Kat - A Dance Performance on Stage

Dance in dialogue with Otto B. de Kat - A Dance Performance on Stage

‘You have to paint what is your own life,’ Otto B. de Kat said in 1978.
His paintings do not show fleeting impressions, but a tranquil world full of pensive inspiration. Inspired by this atmosphere, dance teachers and performers bring Elodie Emilisa and Talitha Verbree his work to life in a unique dance performance on stage.

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Family workshop ‘Puzzle Post’

Family workshop ‘Puzzle Post’

Family workshop ‘Puzzle Post’: A secret letter in your mother tongue, fold and decorate. Ra ra ra what's in my letter? In the time of the English Queen Victoria (more than124 years ago!), people wrote letters in a very special way. They folded the paper into a nice shape, decorated it with drawings and wrote a secret message or a little poem.

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Poetry Café - Your Mother Tongue

Poetry Café - Your Mother Tongue

This time the Poetry Café is in Museum JAN. Together we celebrate Book Week! The theme is ‘Your mother tongue’. Your mother tongue may be the language of your mother, but not necessarily. For many readers and authors, Dutch is not their first language, but it is their mother tongue.

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Entrance tour Otto B. de Kat

Entrance tour Otto B. de Kat

On Saturday 8 March, you can join the entry-level tour of the exhibition of Otto B. de Kat and contemporaries. In this tour, you will get an insight into the background of the artist and his works, as well as those of de Kat's contemporaries.

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Walk-in family workshop - 'Stampmakers' in Action!

Walk-in family workshop - 'Stampmakers' in Action!

Always wanted to make your own stamp? Come and stamp on it! Artist Boris de Beijer makes art that looks like it comes from the future, but also looks a bit like things from ancient times. How cool is that? Boris came up with a spiral shape and stamped it in liquid glass. What kind of stamp will you make?

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JAN JUNIOR Workshop - Artwork on a Stick

JAN JUNIOR Workshop - Artwork on a Stick

Have you always wanted to make a crazy, funny or cool head? This is your chance! Artist Boris de Beijer was inspired by antiquity. His heads on a stick look like time travellers! But where does your head come from? From a crazy fantasy world, a comic book or maybe from another planet? In this workshop, you will work with clay and mould your own special head and decorate your artwork with beads, cardboard and foam paper. Are you ready for it? Sign up quickly for a spot!

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JAN JUNIOR workshop - Toys in the Spotlight

JAN JUNIOR workshop - Toys in the Spotlight

JAN JUNIOR Workshop - Speelgoed in de Spotlight!

Welk speelgoed zou jij laten schitteren in een schilderij? Ontdek hoe kunstenaar Otto B. de Kat het huiselijke leven schilderde en een dagelijks object zoals een stoel bijna tot leven liet komen in zijn schilderijen. Laat je inspireren en geef je favoriete knuffel, dinosaurus of superheld een plek in jouw eigen schilderij!

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Painting glass Christmas pendants

Painting glass Christmas pendants

Family workshop: painting glass Christmas pendants

Get inspired by glass art and design your own unique Christmas pendant.

Walk-in: 2pm - 4pm on the 28th of December.
 Free participation in treasure hunt (excl. museum admission) cost of workshop: €3.50

Come along and experience a creative Christmas holiday in Museum JAN!

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Painting glass Christmas pendants

Painting glass Christmas pendants

Family workshop: painting glass Christmas pendants

Get inspired by glass art and design your own unique Christmas pendant.

Walk-in: 2pm - 4pm on the 21st and 28th of December.
Free participation in treasure hunt (excl. museum admission) cost of workshop: €3.50

Come along and experience a creative Christmas holiday at Museum JAN!

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Lecture Anton Heyboer 'genial outsider'

Lecture Anton Heyboer 'genial outsider'

Who was Anton Heyboer really? Was he an outsider who did not fit into society, a media genius with eccentric but harmless behaviour, or perhaps a brilliant artist struggling with the demons in his head? In a fascinating lecture, Heyboer expert Ruud Lapré will take you through Heyboer's fascinating life and explore why we can consider Heyboer a 'genius outsider'.

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Culture Kick - program Museum JAN

Culture Kick - program Museum JAN

Amstelveen is een nieuw cultuurfestijn rijker. Van woensdag 9 tot en met zondag 13 oktober bruist en borrelt het in de stad. Negen Amstelveense culturele instellingen gooien hun deuren wagenwijd open en nodigen alle Amstelveners van harte uit om te ontdekken wat ze te bieden hebben. En dat is nogal wat. Voorstellingen, lezingen, workshops, rondleidingen en meer; jong en oud kan komen genieten, luisteren, feesten en meemaken. Dit wil je niet missen. Dus kom het beleven, tijdens Culture Kick Amstelveen.

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Family workshop - Glass mosaic

Family workshop - Glass mosaic

What are your plans for 29 September? The Old Village is hosting a neighborhood party! To celebrate, we have a special workshop at the JAN JUNIOR studio. Create your own unique glass ornaments using mosaic and porcelain markers.

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JAN JUNIOR workshop - from cowshed to villa

JAN JUNIOR workshop - from cowshed to villa

Where would you like to live? In a tree house, on the moon, or in a big boat? Artist Anton Heyboer made his own home out of an old cowshed. He photographed this self-made house and made collages of it using photos, paint and ink. Like Anton, cut, paste and draw your fantasy house and turn your story into a work of art!

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Come along for a song @ JAN - with free concerts in the Old Village of Amstelveen

Come along for a song @ JAN - with free concerts in the Old Village of Amstelveen

Gijs Stigter and Nick van der Woude know each other from the Amsterdam-based collective Klezmagic, with which they have been bringing color to the streets of Amsterdam for years. Today, they are performing in a smaller ensemble, playing a mix of Balkan, folk, and klezmer music, and will evoke both joy and melancholy. Hayde!

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Walk-in family workshop 'Create your own 3D holiday exhibition'

Walk-in family workshop 'Create your own 3D holiday exhibition'

What comes to mind when you think of summer? Lonneke van der Palen photographs during her holidays in Italy, France or the Netherlands. She marvels at everything: a bottle of sun cream, a garden chair or lemons on a tree. What do you think of when you think of your holidays? Cut, paste and draw your holiday and turn it into a 3D exhibition during this walk-in workshop! Fun for the whole family.

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Triënnale Talk - Kunst in de openbare ruimte

Triënnale Talk - Kunst in de openbare ruimte

Neem deel aan een boeiende avond vol inspiratie en inzicht tijdens de Amstelveen Triënnale Talk! Margitte Verwoerd, Theo Tegelaers, Irene Brok en Mehdi Mashayekhi verkennen de impact en het belang van kunst in de openbare ruimte. Ontdek de mogelijkheden, de obstakels en de kracht van kunst om mensen te verbinden.

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Photo competition - the art of the everyday
to Sep 22

Photo competition - the art of the everyday

Do you see the beauty in the everyday? Then enter the photo competition inspired by photographer Lonneke van der Palen. She gives new meaning to everyday objects such as an unripe pepper, a bottle of sun cream or a jerry can of windscreen fluid. Which object will be the focus of your attention? Send us your best photo!

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