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Poetry Café - Your Mother Tongue

  • Museum JAN 50 Dorpsstraat Amstelveen, NH, 1182 JE Netherlands (map)

March 20th Poetry Café ‘Your Mother Tongue’ at Museum JAN! 19.30 - 21.00 (walk-in 19.00)
In cooperation with Library Amstelland

This time the Poetry Café is in Museum JAN. Together we celebrate The Book Week! The theme is ‘Your mother tongue’. Your mother tongue may be the language of your mother, but not necessarily. For many readers and authors, Dutch is not their first language, but it is their mother tongue.

Flat, slang, or regional, dialect or ABN. Your mother tongue is the language in which you speak, write, sing, poetry, curse, cheer and love.

Write your poem in or about your mother tongue. Would you like to recite your poem?
Sign up via or come and listen. The doors are open to all poetry lovers. The evening will be hosted by artist and city poet of Amstelveen Nikki Szofia. Nikkivertells stories of love, healing and activism through poetry, music and cabaret.

She studied Anthropology and takes that into her lyrics and music by always looking for where the personal and the political meet.

March 8

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March 23

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