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Thom van Rijckevorsel - Rock Paper Screen

  • Museum JAN 50 Dorpsstraat Amstelveen, NH, 1182 JE Netherlands (map)
Thom van Rijckevorsel_What I Need to Know.jpg

Thom van Rijckevorsel (1977) graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam in 2019, after having worked in advertising for more than fifteen years. He makes videos, drawings, sculptures, and installations in which he investigates the relationship between the constructed image and reality. How do you even get a grip on a world in which physical and digital reality, matter and image, fact and fiction are increasingly blending into each other?

In his works of art, Van Rijckevorsel uses his experience as an advertising designer. He is fascinated by the process of creating an image, telling a story, the desire for control and at the same time dealing with boundaries and rules.


This exhibition in Museum JAN presents the latest purchase of the municipality of Amstelveen: the video What I need to know. This work by Van Rijckevorsel fits perfectly into the ambition of the municipality of Amstelveen to enrich the collection with works of promising artists from the region

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