Exhibition ‘Cremer Noordwaarts 2010-2020’
Jan Cremer (1940) has been painting his adventurous life with words and brushes for around 65 years. From June 1, a large selection of monumental seascapes that Cremer painted over the past decade will be exhibited in Museum JAN. Never before have these works been brought together in an exhibition. "Cremer Noordwaarts 2010-2020" combines these recent canvases with his photos of trips to places like Mongolia and Greenland.
Monumental seascapes
In his studio in Umbria, Jan Cremer records memories of the time he sailed the world's seas to the north. Cremer: "I have always longed for the sea. Even as a child. I sailed and wanted to know what was behind the horizon. I like the storm the most. "The travels made a huge impression on him. In addition to the physically demanding work, the beauty of the vast expanses of water and the freedom he felt, there was always the threat of nature's violence on board. This can be seen in his meter-high paintings. Usually there is a clear sea and a sky above it, but sometimes there is no horizon, no dividing line, so that the canvases become almost abstract. Rarely is there a person or sign of human life on these seascapes. Cremer makes his oil paint himself and, like in his early years, applies it to a large extent to the linen or jute with, for example, brushes, spatulas and his hands. In this way he sculpts his waves and foam heads into three-dimensional forms, suggesting movement and depth. As a viewer you are sucked into the swirling mass of water, Cremer's seascapes are never rippling or smooth, they are fierce and restless as the painter and his life itself.
Cremer not only recorded his travels on canvas, but also made countless photos. In search of new landscapes, he went to regions such as Mongolia, Siberia and Greenland. He recorded his travel impressions in more than 20,000 photos. Part of it can be seen for the first time during this exhibition.
© Cremer, Noordkaap III, 2017, oil on canvas, Pictoright Amsterdam 2020
The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue published by Uitgeverij Waanders. You can already buy the book online at Waanders & De Kunst. Click HERE and get free delivery by using the promo code JAN.